The Imitation Game

Summary Details: Nominated for eight academy awards and nine bafta awards'. '.strtoupper('t')he best british film of the year 5 the independent.starring academy, bafta and golden globe nominee benedict cumberbatch star trek into darkness, tv's sherlock as turing, academy, ...
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Nominated for eight academy awards and nine bafta awards'. '.strtoupper('t')he best british film of the year 5 the independent.starring academy, bafta and golden globe nominee benedict cumberbatch star trek into darkness, tv's sherlock as turing, academy, bafta and golden globe nominee keira knightley begin again, atonement as his confidante and equal, joan clarke, and featuring supporting turns from matthew goode stoker, watchmen, mark strong tinker, tailor, soldier spy, welcome to the punch, rory kinnear skyfall, tv's penny dreadful and charles dance tv's game of thrones, gosford park, the imitation game is at once a searing piece of british drama, a brilliantly taut thriller and a posthumous honour to arguably one of britain's most important, most brilliant men.extrasmaking the imitation game featurettealan turing man enigma featuretteheroes of bletchley featurette

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