Imitation Of Life The Criterion Collection

Summary Details: Melodrama master john m'. '.strtoupper('s')tahl magnificent obsession brings his exquisite restraint and almost spiritually pure visual style to this devastating, enduringly relevant story of mothers and daughters'. '.strtoupper('i')mitation of life explor...
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Melodrama master john m'. '.strtoupper('s')tahl magnificent obsession brings his exquisite restraint and almost spiritually pure visual style to this devastating, enduringly relevant story of mothers and daughters'. '.strtoupper('i')mitation of life explores the friendship between two struggling single mothers one it happened one night's claudette colbert a workingclass white woman who ascends to the top of the business world, the other beulah's louise beavers her black housekeeper, whose life is shattered by the rejection of her rebellious, white passing daughter one mile from heaven's fredi is this latter relationship attuned to america's bitter racial realities and heartbreakingly enacted by trailblazing black performers beavers and washington that lends the film its transcendent emotional power'. '.strtoupper('t')his first adaptation of fannie hurst's best selling novel boldly confronts the complexities and contradictions of racial identity, economic exploitation, and the limits of the american dream4k digital restoration, with uncompressed monaural soundtracknew introduction to the film by imogen sara smith, contributor to the call of the heart john m'. '.strtoupper('s')tahl and hollywood melodramanew interview with miriam j'. '.strtoupper('p')etty, author of stealing the show african american performers and audiences in 1930s hollywood, about the resonance of louise beavers's and fredi washington's performancestrailer cut for segregated black theatres at the time of the film's releaseenglish subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearingplus an essay by petty

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