The Ballroom

Summary Details: The ballroominvites you to experience the lives, loves and dreams of the patrons of a traditional brazilian dance hall'. '.strtoupper('s')et over the course of one evening, the film brings together a variety of characters who attend the ballroom each week ...
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The ballroominvites you to experience the lives, loves and dreams of the patrons of a traditional brazilian dance hall'. '.strtoupper('s')et over the course of one evening, the film brings together a variety of characters who attend the ballroom each week and live for their moment on the dance they recall the past, imagine the future, have fun, flirt, fight and, of course, dance, their passions and desires unfold in front of our enormous hit in its native brazil, and set to an astounding soundtrack featuring songs performed by elza soares and marku ribu, the ballroom is passionate drama of lives transformed and love invigorated by the magical power of the dance hall.special featurestrailer

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