Marilyn Hotchkiss Ballroom Dancing Charm School Dvd

Summary Details: An all star cast features in this big hearted story about one man's dream becoming another man's destiny'. '.strtoupper('s')tarring robert carlyle, mary steenburgen, marisa tomei, sean astin, octavia spencer, danny devito and john goodman'. '.strtoupper('f...
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An all star cast features in this big hearted story about one man's dream becoming another man's destiny'. '.strtoupper('s')tarring robert carlyle, mary steenburgen, marisa tomei, sean astin, octavia spencer, danny devito and john goodman'. '.strtoupper('f')rank keane robert carlyle is a baker by trade, but now a grieving widower struggling to find a purpose in his life'. '.strtoupper('o')ne day when driving his delivery van he stumbles across a devastating car accident and finds a dying man trapped at the wheel john goodman'. '.strtoupper('t')he man reveals he was on his way to visit a long lost sweetheart from 40 years ago'. '.strtoupper('a')s he lays dying, frank makes him a promise to attend the reunion in his place, at a school for ballroom dancing'. '.strtoupper('i')nitially reluctant to join in the class, frank finds himself drawn in by the eccentric characters at marilyn hotchkiss's ballroom dancing and charm school, from needy instructor marienne mary steenburgen, to painfully shy meredith marisa tomei and her jealously possessive half brother randall donnie wahlberg'. '.strtoupper('f')rank soon finds himself swept away by the emotional and exhilarating power of dance'. '.strtoupper('r')un time 103 mins discs 1 format dvd  

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