Its All About Love

Summary Details: Thomas vinterberg's it's all about love takes place in the near future and tells the story of two lovers fighting for their love and ultimately for their lives in a world out of balance'. '.strtoupper('i')t is a classic love story with elements of hitchcoc...
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Thomas vinterberg's it's all about love takes place in the near future and tells the story of two lovers fighting for their love and ultimately for their lives in a world out of balance'. '.strtoupper('i')t is a classic love story with elements of hitchcockian suspense.john joaquin phoenix and the world famous ice skater elena claire danes have a cosmopolitan marriage and have lived apart for a number of years'. '.strtoupper('j')ohn in poland, elena mostly in new york'. '.strtoupper('t')ime has made the distance between them grow, and eventually john goes to see elena in new york to get a divorce'. '.strtoupper('b')ut as john arrives in new york he realises that unexpected and inexplicable things are going on around elena'. '.strtoupper('t')he people he knew as friends, might not be friends after all'. '.strtoupper('t')he love that he thought had died, bursts into flame again'. '.strtoupper('a')nd it becomes up to john to save elena from her destiny'. '.strtoupper('i')f he can., thomas vinterberg's it's all about love takes place in the near future and tells the story of two lovers fighting for their love and ultimately for their lives in a world out of balance'. '.strtoupper('i')t is a classic love story with elements of hitchcockian suspense.john joaquin phoenix and the world famous ice skater elena claire danes have a cosmopolitan marriage and have lived apart for a number of years'. '.strtoupper('j')ohn in poland, elena mostly in new york'. '.strtoupper('t')ime has made the distance between them grow, and eventually john goes to see elena in new york to get a divorce'. '.strtoupper('b')ut as john arrives in new york he realises that unexpected and inexplicable things are going on around elena'. '.strtoupper('t')he people he knew as friends, might not be friends after all'. '.strtoupper('t')he love that he thought had died, bursts into flame again'. '.strtoupper('a')nd it becomes up to john to save elena from her destiny'. '.strtoupper('i')f he can.special featurescast interviews.director's commentary.theatrical trailer.

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