All For Love

Summary Details: In 1813, capitaine jacques st'. '.strtoupper('i')ves, a hussar in the napoleonic wars, is captured and sent to a scottish prison camp'. '.strtoupper('h')e's a swashbuckler, so the prison's commander, major farquar bolingbroke chevening, asks him for lesson...
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In 1813, capitaine jacques st'. '.strtoupper('i')ves, a hussar in the napoleonic wars, is captured and sent to a scottish prison camp'. '.strtoupper('h')e's a swashbuckler, so the prison's commander, major farquar bolingbroke chevening, asks him for lessons in communicating with women.both men have their sights set on the lovely flora, who lives with her aunt, the well travelled miss susan emily gilchrist......., in 1813, capitaine jacques st'. '.strtoupper('i')ves, a hussar in the napoleonic wars, is captured and sent to a scottish prison camp'. '.strtoupper('h')e's a swashbuckler, so the prison's commander, major farquar bolingbroke chevening, asks him for lessons in communicating with women.both men have their sights set on the lovely flora, who lives with her aunt, the well travelled miss susan emily gilchrist.......special featurescast filmographies.picture gallery.robert louis stevenson biography.

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