Maddie Moate’s Very Curious Christmas

Summary Details: The much loved and award winning childrenaposs presenter, maddie moate, debuts her brand new show in the west end'. '.strtoupper('b')ased on her hit book, a very curious christmas, this show explores the most exciting and fun facts about the festive season...
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The much loved and award winning childrenaposs presenter, maddie moate, debuts her brand new show in the west end'. '.strtoupper('b')ased on her hit book, a very curious christmas, this show explores the most exciting and fun facts about the festive season'. '.strtoupper('d')onapost miss this educational and entertaining talk for the whole family this christmas.and this seasonal stem adventure dives into the science of winter, uncovers the mysteries behind our christmas traditions, and answers some of your most curious christmas questionsandhellip where does snow come from'? '.strtoupper('h')ow do crackers go bang'? '.strtoupper('a')nd why do brussels sprouts make you fart?'! '.strtoupper('p')acked with interactive fun and brimming with festive cheer, maddieands live science show promises to be an unforgettable holiday treat for the whole family.

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