The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time Theatre Tickets Piccadilly Theatre London

Summary Details: Christopher, fifteen years old, stands beside mrs shears' dead dog'. '.strtoupper('i')t has been speared with a garden fork, it is seven minutes after midnight and christopher is under suspicion'. '.strtoupper('h')e records each fact in the book he is writ...
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Christopher, fifteen years old, stands beside mrs shears' dead dog'. '.strtoupper('i')t has been speared with a garden fork, it is seven minutes after midnight and christopher is under suspicion'. '.strtoupper('h')e records each fact in the book he is writing to solve the mystery of who murdered wellington'. '.strtoupper('h')e has an extraordinary brain, exceptional at maths while illequipped to interpret everyday life'. '.strtoupper('h')e has never ventured alone beyond the end of his road, he detests being touched and he distrusts strangers'. '.strtoupper('b')ut his detective work, forbidden by his father, takes him on a frightening journey that upturns his world'. '.strtoupper('t')he curious incident of the dog in the night time is adapted by simon stephens and directed by marianne elliott and was acclaimed by critics and audiences alike during its sell out run at the national's cottesloe theatre'. '.strtoupper('

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