Barbie Fluffy Diary Stationery Craft Set

Summary Details: Brighten up your stationary collection with this pink barbie fluffy diary set, perfect for journaling or doodling using the matching pom pom pen, as well as stickers included to jazz up the inside pages'. '.strtoupper('i')f you need to mark a page use the ...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£14.00
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
  • Price:£14.00
  • Delivery or Postage:£3.99
  • Total Cost:£17.99

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Brighten up your stationary collection with this pink barbie fluffy diary set, perfect for journaling or doodling using the matching pom pom pen, as well as stickers included to jazz up the inside pages'. '.strtoupper('i')f you need to mark a page use the co ordinatng pom pom paper clips so cute'! '.strtoupper('p')roduct features includes pink fluffy hard back diary, 2 sticker sheets, pom pom paper clips and pen ideal gift for barbie fans approximate dimensions 21 x 15 x 2 cm suitable for ages 3 years

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