Verdi Requiem Cd

Summary Details: ‘sir colin davis conducts the requiem with a judicious mix of fire and meditative calm’ gramophone ‘a strong set of soloists … every note fills me with affection and wonder, and that’s rare … his performance really feels like a live one as if w...
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‘sir colin davis conducts the requiem with a judicious mix of fire and meditative calm’ gramophone ‘a strong set of soloists … every note fills me with affection and wonder, and that’s rare … his performance really feels like a live one as if we’re hearing this glorious score straight out of the crucible in which it was forged … from the domine jesu christe onwards everyone seems gripped by the unfolding drama, prompting them to give of their individual and collective best … there’s a tension in the orchestra – a sense of approaching finality … that dark, tolling figure in the lux aeterna is unforgettable, the soloists singing with a liberating loveliness that’s equally memorable … dies irae is another case in point … sir colin’s performance is in another league entirely’ musicweb disc 1 4539 1'. '.strtoupper('i')'. '.strtoupper('r')equiem aeternam 909 2'. '.strtoupper('i')i'. '.strtoupper('d')ies irae 217 3'. '.strtoupper('i')ii'. '.strtoupper('t')uba mirum 326 4'. '.strtoupper('i')v'. '.strtoupper('l')iber scriptus 502 5'. '.strtoupper('v')'. '.strtoupper('q')uid sum miser 336 6'. '.strtoupper('v')i'. '.strtoupper('r')ex tremendae 335 7'. '.strtoupper('v')ii'. '.strtoupper('r')ecordare 358 8'. '.strtoupper('v')iii'. '.strtoupper('i')ngemisco 328 9'. '.strtoupper('i')x'. '.strtoupper('c')onfutatis 527 10'. '.strtoupper('x')'. '.strtoupper('l')acrymosa 537 disc 2 3625 1'. '.strtoupper('x')i'. '.strtoupper('d')omine jesu christe 417 2'. '.strtoupper('x')ii'. '.strtoupper('h')ostias 529 3'. '.strtoupper('x')iii'. '.strtoupper('s')anctus 236 4'. '.strtoupper('x')iv'. '.strtoupper('a')gnus dei 428 5'. '.strtoupper('x')v'. '.strtoupper('l')ux aeterna 615 6'. '.strtoupper('x')vi'. '.strtoupper('l')ibera me, dies irae, requiem aeternam 724 7'. '.strtoupper('x')vii'. '.strtoupper('l')ibera me 552

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