Treeworks 6 Triangle

Summary Details: Its hip to be triangle'. '.strtoupper('p')lay your part in the band'. '.strtoupper('t')he treeworks 6 triangle is a versatile professional grade triangle that can be used in any musical setting'. '.strtoupper('h')andmade in nashville tennessee with a custo...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£54.49
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  • Total Cost:£54.49

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Its hip to be triangle'. '.strtoupper('p')lay your part in the band'. '.strtoupper('t')he treeworks 6 triangle is a versatile professional grade triangle that can be used in any musical setting'. '.strtoupper('h')andmade in nashville tennessee with a custom heat treated carbon steel alloy it produces a bright shimmering tone with a full spectrum of complex overtones'. '.strtoupper('a')nd not only does its satin chrome finish look great but it actually adds to the sound qualities improving response and sustain'. '.strtoupper('t')he treeworks triangles wide dynamic range makes it perfect for everything from traditional orchestral passages to modern latin riffs'. '.strtoupper('c')omes complete with holder and stainless steel striker.

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