Tony Williams The Signature Voice Of The Platters Volume 2 1961 1962 Cd

Summary Details: The platters were one of the world's most successful vocal groups during the 1950s'. '.strtoupper('t')he lead singer on all of these was the mercurial tony williams, a man with a perfect voice'. '.strtoupper('h')e quit the platters in 1961 to pursue a solo...
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The platters were one of the world's most successful vocal groups during the 1950s'. '.strtoupper('t')he lead singer on all of these was the mercurial tony williams, a man with a perfect voice'. '.strtoupper('h')e quit the platters in 1961 to pursue a solo career, signing with frank sinatra's new reprise label, for whom he debuted with an lp, tony williams sings his greatest hits and a couple of singles, 'sleepless nights' and 'the miracle''. '.strtoupper('t')he two compilations in this mini series anthologise tony's solo recordings between 1955 62, chronologically volume 1 deals with 1955 61, and volume 2, with 1961 62.

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