The Rough Guide To The Roots Of Jazz Cd

Summary Details: An album which traces the development of jazz during its early recorded history,  and featuring the greatest names in early jazz – louis armstrong, jelly roll morton, duke ellington and many more'. '.strtoupper('t')rack list   king oliver's creole jazz...
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An album which traces the development of jazz during its early recorded history,  and featuring the greatest names in early jazz – louis armstrong, jelly roll morton, duke ellington and many more'. '.strtoupper('t')rack list   king oliver's creole jazz band dippermouth blues eddie lang eddie's twister tiny parham and his musicians sud buster's dream louis armstrong orchestra muggles new orleans rhythm kings bugle call blues bix beiderbecke and his gang ol' man river fletcher henderson and his orchestra the stampede earl hines i ain't got nobody and nobody cares for me jelly roll morton's red hot peppers doctor jazz freddie keppard's jazz cardinals salty dog russell's hot six sweet mumtaz joe venuti's blue four cheese and crackers duke ellington and his orchestra black and tan fantasy eddie condon's quartet indiana fats waller muscle shoals blues frankie trumbauer and his orchestra way down yonder in new orleans original dixieland jazz band tiger rag jimmie noone's apex club orchestra it's tight like that benny goodman clarinetitis james p'. '.strtoupper('j')ohnson carolina shout clarence williams' blue five wild cat blues the chicago footwarmers oriental man the bucktown five chicago blues bennie moten's kansas city orchestra south bessie smith st'. '.strtoupper('l')ouis blues e'. '.strtoupper('c')'. '.strtoupper('c')obb and his corn eaters transatlantic stomp  

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