The Fiery Furnaces Bitter Tea 2006 Uk Cd Album Rtradcd245

Summary Details: The fiery furnaces bitter tea 2006 uk 15 track cd album the 4th album and the follow up to 2005s rehearsing my choir and features matthews gorgeous melodies together with eleanors striking vocals'. '.strtoupper('s')olemn piano solos and creepy synthesizers...
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The fiery furnaces bitter tea 2006 uk 15 track cd album the 4th album and the follow up to 2005s rehearsing my choir and features matthews gorgeous melodies together with eleanors striking vocals'. '.strtoupper('s')olemn piano solos and creepy synthesizersfused with their broad spectrum of influences epic sonic excursions wandering narratives heralds a return to a fuller more band oriented sound'. '.strtoupper('f')eatures the download only single release benton harbor blues'. '.strtoupper('i')ncludes a foldout picture lyricsl eeve rtradecd245 ÞÞ1'. '.strtoupper('i')n my little thatched hut2'. '.strtoupper('i')m in no mood3'. '.strtoupper('b')lack hearted boy4'. '.strtoupper('b')itter tea 5'. '.strtoupper('t')each me sweetheart6'. '.strtoupper('w')aiting to know you7'. '.strtoupper('t')he vietnamese telephone ministry8'. '.strtoupper('o')h sweet woods9'. '.strtoupper('b')orneo10'. '.strtoupper('p')olice sweater blood vow11

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