Stephen Tintin Duffy Runout Groove 2007 Uk Cd Album Fccd103

Summary Details: Stephen tintin duffy the lilac time runout groove 2007 uk 12 track cd album their 1st longplayer in 5 years'! '.strtoupper('y')ou might say the album is stephen’s most contented set of songs except that the easy listening connotations might at times bemis...
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Stephen tintin duffy the lilac time runout groove 2007 uk 12 track cd album their 1st longplayer in 5 years'! '.strtoupper('y')ou might say the album is stephen’s most contented set of songs except that the easy listening connotations might at times bemisleading'. '.strtoupper('t')rue there’s a song called happy go lucky on here – a title drily suggested by a friend who heard his last album'! '.strtoupper('a')longside comparative lilac time veterans such as multi intrumentalist vocalist claire worrall are stephen’s ever present brother nick and jazz folk icon danny thompson pentangle presented in card slipcase 1'. '.strtoupper('a')nother time2'. '.strtoupper('d')riving somewhere3'. '.strtoupper('a') dream of a girl4'. '.strtoupper('d')esert shore5'. '.strtoupper('d')ark squadrons6'. '.strtoupper('u')ntil i kissed you7'. '.strtoupper('a')ldermaston8'. '.strtoupper('p')runing the vine9'. '.strtoupper('h')appy go lucky10'. '.strtoupper('p')arliament fields11'. '.strtoupper('n')o direction12'. '.strtoupper('t')he kite and the sky

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