Sing When Youre Grinning Great British Comedy Songs Volume One 1926 1956 Cd

Summary Details: Britain's earliest rib tickling comedy songs'. '.strtoupper('f')rom the laughing policeman in the 1920s, to some of the greatest names of music hall and radio'. '.strtoupper('l')aughs anew for those discovering these classic recordings for the first time a...
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Britain's earliest rib tickling comedy songs'. '.strtoupper('f')rom the laughing policeman in the 1920s, to some of the greatest names of music hall and radio'. '.strtoupper('l')aughs anew for those discovering these classic recordings for the first time and a?wave of nostalgia to the older listener'. '.strtoupper('1')the bee song arthur askey2the ying tong song the goons3when m cleaning windows george form4mad dogs and englishmen noel coward5the home guard robb wilton6lord lundy joyce grenfell7the lion and albert stanley holloway8the gnu song flanders swann9yore a pink toothbrush max graves10i that man again tommy handley11listen i like girls that do max miller12the laughing policeman charles penrose13m walking backwards for christmas the goons14down in the fields where the buttercups all grow charlie higgins15m the man wh deputising for the bull frankie howerd16with her head tucked underneath her arm stanley holloway17narcissus joyce grenfell norman wisdom18phoney folk lore peter ustinov19over the gate bernard miles20the stately homes of england noel coward21nursery school joyce grenfell

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