Russia Romance Drama Cd

Summary Details: Ahronovitch performs some of his best work.there's a wonderful variety to this cd, which continues to impress on each listening'. '.strtoupper('d')isc 11 gayaneh sabre dance2 spartacus adagio of spartacus and phrygia3 lieutenant kije troika4 prince igor po...
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Ahronovitch performs some of his best work.there's a wonderful variety to this cd, which continues to impress on each listening'. '.strtoupper('d')isc 11 gayaneh sabre dance2 spartacus adagio of spartacus and phrygia3 lieutenant kije troika4 prince igor polovtsian dances5 ruslan and lyudmila overture6 masquerade waltz7 night on the bare mountain night on the bare mountain8 love of three oranges march9 gadfly suite folkfeast10 marche slave marche slave11 1812 overture 1812 overture

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