Roni Size Reprazent Muzik Magazine Bundle Uk Magazine Bundle

Summary Details: Roni size muzik magazine bundle set of six assorted muzik magazines from 1995 to 1997 comprised of issue numbers 7 11 16 19 24 and 25'. '.strtoupper('m')uzik was created by two former melody maker journalists push and ben turner'. '.strtoupper('a')imed at ...
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Roni size muzik magazine bundle set of six assorted muzik magazines from 1995 to 1997 comprised of issue numbers 7 11 16 19 24 and 25'. '.strtoupper('m')uzik was created by two former melody maker journalists push and ben turner'. '.strtoupper('a')imed at serious dance music fans rather than weekend clubbers muziks writers included a number of well known djs including kris needs rob da bank spoony terry farley bob jones jonty skrufff and dave mothersole'. '.strtoupper('t')hese issues feature cover articles on roni siz e fabio ltj bukem danny tenaglia and slipmatt along with many articles on artists from the 90s dance music scene giving a unique insight to the music culture and lifestyle of the timeÞÞ

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