Robert Pollard From A Compound Eye 2006 Uk Cd Album Bobbypoppromo1

Summary Details: Robert pollard from a compound eye 2006 uk 26 track promotional cd album from the former guided by voices frontman who made no secret of the fact that end of guided by voices would not mean the end of his songwriting and recording career if anything it was...
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Robert pollard from a compound eye 2006 uk 26 track promotional cd album from the former guided by voices frontman who made no secret of the fact that end of guided by voices would not mean the end of his songwriting and recording career if anything it was a new beginning which allowed him to record when he wanted what he wanted with whomever he wanted and the result is no less stunning than anything he has produced thus far in his illustrious career and includes i’m a strong lion'. '.strtoupper('c')ustom flat card picture sleeve 1'. '.strtoupper('g')old2'. '.strtoupper('f')ield jacket blues3'. '.strtoupper('d')ancing girls and dancing men4'. '.strtoupper('a') flowering orphan5'. '.strtoupper('t')he right thing6'. '.strtoupper('u').s'. '.strtoupper('m')ustard company7'. '.strtoupper('t')he numbered head8'. '.strtoupper('i')’m a widow9'. '.strtoupper('f')resh threats salad shooters and zip guns10'. '.strtoupper('k')ick me and cancel11'. '.strtoupper('o')ther dog

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