Rimsky Korsakov Suites Overtures Cd

Summary Details: Excellent performances of some captivatingly colourful music'. '.strtoupper('r')ussian easter festival splendidly exuberant playing from players who naturally have the stuff of the music in their bones..'. '.strtoupper('m')arvellous gravity and resonance.....
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Excellent performances of some captivatingly colourful music'. '.strtoupper('r')ussian easter festival splendidly exuberant playing from players who naturally have the stuff of the music in their bones..'. '.strtoupper('m')arvellous gravity and resonance...'. '.strtoupper('d')ubinushka only a trifle, but quite a rare one'. '.strtoupper('r')imsky korsakov heard the song during the 1905 revolution both his liberal instincts and his musical invention were fired..'. '.strtoupper('s')cored by the master hand and very effective the golden cockerel excellently played under svetlanov he has a marvellously strangled trumpet for the cock crow '. '.strtoupper('

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