Kasabian kasabian 2004 japanese promo sample issue of the limited edition enhanced cd issued to radio stations and reviewers ahead of the actual release date'. '.strtoupper('t')he debut album by the british rock band featuring the exclusive bonus recordings...
Price: £25.00
Kasabian kasabian 2004 us 13 track cd picture sleeve club footprocessed beatsreason is treasoni.d.orangel.s.f'. '.strtoupper('l')ost souls foreverrunning battletest transmissionpinch rollercutt offbutcher bluesovary stripeu boat
Price: £10.00
Kasabian kasabian 2004 german 11 track cd featuring the singles club foot processed beats and l.s.f with the hidden track reason is treason jacknife lee remix picture sleeve club foot 335processed beats 307reason is treason 435i.d'. '.strtoupper('4')47l.s.f'....
Price: £10.00