Just Great Love Songs Box Set Import

Summary Details: If music be the food of love, play on..'. '.strtoupper('w')ith the right person and the right song, the possibility of romance is always in the air'. '.strtoupper('w')hether it s the song that comes on at the perfect time at the school disco, or the tune o...
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If music be the food of love, play on..'. '.strtoupper('w')ith the right person and the right song, the possibility of romance is always in the air'. '.strtoupper('w')hether it s the song that comes on at the perfect time at the school disco, or the tune on the radio that instantly transports you back to a time filled with love and passion, music has an unequalled power to evoke feelings of romance within us all'. '.strtoupper('n')ow, from the people behind the hit compilations just great songs and just great christmas songs, comes a new 3cd set filled to bursting point with tender tunes to melt the hardest of hearts'. '.strtoupper('f')ollowing the trend set by the previous compilations of featuring truly timeless songs that will be loved by music lovers of all ages, this collection contains 75 classic favourites from years gone by that are sure to put a spring in your step and a song in your heart'. '.strtoupper('s')o close the blinds, dim the lights and turn up the music they really don t make them like this any more'! '.strtoupper('r')elease date n a

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