The harlem x bass guitar by gear4music has a classic black finish and is crafted expertly in a stylish design'. '.strtoupper('y')ou may be forgiven for thinking this instrument will be all show and no go but an extremely playable poplar laminate fingerboard...
Price: £118.99
The harlem x electric guitar is an instantly playable critically respected and striking looking electric guitar for modern rock and metal styles and makes an ideal introduction to the world of rock and metal playing at a very affordable price'. '.strtoupper('c')omes...
Price: £159.99
The harlem x bass guitar by gear4music has a classic black finish and is crafted expertly in a stylish design'. '.strtoupper('y')ou may be forgiven for thinking this instrument will be all show and no go but an extremely playable poplar laminate fingerboard...
Price: £179.99