Fish Issue 30 Cd 2000 Uk Cd Album Cfvp007cd

Summary Details: Fish issue 30 cd very rare 2000 uk 9 track cd recorded at the haddington corn exchange on august 29th 1999 as a nice gesture to the members of the international company fan clubs fish decided to release a cd with recordings of the electricset of the 1999 h...
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Fish issue 30 cd very rare 2000 uk 9 track cd recorded at the haddington corn exchange on august 29th 1999 as a nice gesture to the members of the international company fan clubs fish decided to release a cd with recordings of the electricset of the 1999 haddington convention and send that to the subscribers instead of one issue of the fanzine'. '.strtoupper('t')hus its a pretty rare issue'. '.strtoupper('h')oused in a cardboard sleeve'. '.strtoupper('t')he sleeve has some light cresasing with disc appearing barely played cfv p007cdÞÞ medley 10421.1 emperors songwritten by – dick boult cassidy1.2 credowritten by – usher dick boult simmonds1.3 what colour is god?written by – dick wilson1.4 mr'. '.strtoupper('1')470written by – dick boult patersonp

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