Electro Harmonix Pico Pog Polyphonic Octave Generator

Summary Details: The electro harmonix pico pog polyphonic octave generator is a game changer for guitarists offering unparalleled sound in a compact pocket sized pedal'. '.strtoupper('t')his ultra compact powerhouse combines the simplicity of the micro and nano pogs with a...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£197.00
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  • Total Cost:£197.00

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The electro harmonix pico pog polyphonic octave generator is a game changer for guitarists offering unparalleled sound in a compact pocket sized pedal'. '.strtoupper('t')his ultra compact powerhouse combines the simplicity of the micro and nano pogs with a powerful control all housed in a pedalboard friendly chassis'. '.strtoupper('w')ith lightning fast tracking and precise tones this model delivers exceptional performance across all musical styles'. '.strtoupper('a')dd the sub octave for deep rumbling lows or crank it up for ethereal soaring tones'. '.strtoupper('b')lend all three voices together for a fat synth like sound that will take your playing to another level'. '.strtoupper('t')he pico pog features dedicated volume knobs allowing you to perfectly balance the levels'. '.strtoupper('a')nd in the low pass filter mode higher frequencies are cut in the sub and octave up voices while high pass mode cuts lower frequencies in these voices'. '.strtoupper('c')ompact yet powerful the pico pog is the ultimate pedal for any guitarist.

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