Charlie Walker Ill Catch You When You Fall Complete Singles As And Bs 1957 1962 Cd

Summary Details: A country music classic'! '.strtoupper('t')racklisting two empty arms pick me up on your way down  i'll catch you when you fall  i don't mind saying when my conscience hurts the most bow down your head and cry who will buy the wine i go anywhere take ba...
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A country music classic'! '.strtoupper('t')racklisting two empty arms pick me up on your way down  i'll catch you when you fall  i don't mind saying when my conscience hurts the most bow down your head and cry who will buy the wine i go anywhere take back your old love letters facing the wall i walked out of heaven when i walked out on you a way to free myself right back at your door good deal, lucille louisiana belle life goes on i wonder why i only meant to borrow not to steal you don't need no other daddy but me tell her lies and feed her candy hurry back home only you, only you you can't get there from here stepping stones cheaters never win i'm not mixed up anymore dancing mexican boy i'll never let it show charlie walker with the four pals take my hand i'll understand charlie walker with the four pals

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