Bill Haley And His Comets Extended Play Cd

Summary Details: Track list 1 shake rattle and roll 2 happy baby 3 dim, dim the lights 4 razzle dazzle 5 two hound dogs 6 burn that candle 7 rock a beatin' boogie 8 rock around the clock 9 mambo rock 10 see you later alligator 11 calling all comets 12 hook, line and sinker...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£9.99
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  • Total Cost:£9.99

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Track list 1 shake rattle and roll 2 happy baby 3 dim, dim the lights 4 razzle dazzle 5 two hound dogs 6 burn that candle 7 rock a beatin' boogie 8 rock around the clock 9 mambo rock 10 see you later alligator 11 calling all comets 12 hook, line and sinker 13 rockin' through the rye 14 rudy's rock 15 choo choo ch'boogie 16 hide and seek 17 blue comet blues 18 hot dog buddy buddy 19 goofin' around 20 tonight's the night 21 the dipsy doodle 22 you can't stop me from dreaming 23 me rock a hula 24 where did you go last night 25 sway with me 26 r o c k 27 piccadilly rock 28 the saint's rock 'n' roll 29 caldonia

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