Anohni The Johnsons I Am A Bird Now 2005 Japanese Cd Album Pcd 23622

Summary Details: Antony the johnsons i am a bird now 2005 japanese 10 track cd'. '.strtoupper('a')n extraordinary album from new york artist antony and his cohorts the johnsons featuring contributions from both antonys peers rufus wainwright devendra banhar dt and heroes l...
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Antony the johnsons i am a bird now 2005 japanese 10 track cd'. '.strtoupper('a')n extraordinary album from new york artist antony and his cohorts the johnsons featuring contributions from both antonys peers rufus wainwright devendra banhar dt and heroes lou reed boy george their involvement reflects both their admiration for antony and his unique place in the contemporary arts community'. '.strtoupper('h')oused in an album style jewel case with a fold out card picture sleeve lyric insert and the all important exclusive obi stripÞÞ1'. '.strtoupper('h')ope there’s someone2'. '.strtoupper('m')y lady story3'. '.strtoupper('f')or today i am a boy4'. '.strtoupper('m')an is the baby5'. '.strtoupper('y')ou are my sister6'. '.strtoupper('w')hat can i do?7'. '.strtoupper('f')istful of love8'. '.strtoupper('s')piralling9'. '.strtoupper('f')ree at last10'. '.strtoupper('b')ird gerhl

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