Andre Rieu The Collection Cd Cd

Summary Details: Waltz no.2 the second waltz shostakovich love theme from romeo and juliet rota the blue danube strauss roses from the south strauss the third man karas clavelitos monreal lacosta vienna, city of my dreams sieczynski barcarolle offenbach tea for two youmans...
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Waltz no.2 the second waltz shostakovich love theme from romeo and juliet rota the blue danube strauss roses from the south strauss the third man karas clavelitos monreal lacosta vienna, city of my dreams sieczynski barcarolle offenbach tea for two youmans you are my heart's delight lehar strauss party includes radetsky march, william tell and many more carmen overture bizet thunder and lightning strauss carnaval de venise voix de printemps strauss les patineurs waldteufel auf ferienreisen strauss perpetuum mobile strauss release date n a

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