Alice Cooper Trilogy 2006 Uk 3 Cd Set 8122732402

Summary Details: Alice cooper trilogy 2006 uk limited edition triple cd set comprising the classic album releases killer schools out and billion dollar babies featuring a total of 27 tracks complete with booklets 5½ x 10½ hardback book style packaging'. '.strtoupper('t')...
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  • Total Cost:£20.00

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Alice cooper trilogy 2006 uk limited edition triple cd set comprising the classic album releases killer schools out and billion dollar babies featuring a total of 27 tracks complete with booklets 5½ x 10½ hardback book style packaging'. '.strtoupper('t')hree essential albums in one easy to swallow pack'. '.strtoupper('t')he box shows just a little light wear the contents remain in great condition killer01'. '.strtoupper('u')nder my wheels 02'. '.strtoupper('b')e my lover 03'. '.strtoupper('h')alo of flies 04'. '.strtoupper('d')esperado 05'. '.strtoupper('y')ou drive me nervous 06'. '.strtoupper('y')eah yeah yeah 07'. '.strtoupper('d')ead babies 08'. '.strtoupper('k')iller schools out 01'. '.strtoupper('s')chools out 02'. '.strtoupper('l')uney tune 03'. '.strtoupper('g')utter cat

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