spin off of the popular light hearted detective series, featuring phryne fisher when her aunt goes missing over the highlands of new guinea, peregrine fisher inherits a fortune and chooses to follow in the footsteps of her notorious aunt – the infamous...
Price: £15.99
All 13 episodes of the first series of the australian crime drama following the adventures of a glamorous female detective played by essie davis in 1920s melbourne'. '.strtoupper('w')ith miriam margolyes'. '.strtoupper('t')he episodes are 'cocaine blues',...
Price: £15.99
Essie davis stars as the darling sleuth in 1920s melbourne'. '.strtoupper('w')ith miriam margolyes as aunt prudence'. '.strtoupper('s')tep inside the opulent world of 1920s melbourne with australia's flapper detective, miss phryne fisher, a glamorous...
Price: £29.99