Black Clover Season One Part Five

Summary Details: A trip to the beach isn t fun in the sun for asta and the black bulls they re on a mission to recover a magic stone'! '.strtoupper('d')eep in the underwater temple lies new danger and mages with extraordinary powers'. '.strtoupper('b')ut getting in is the ...
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A trip to the beach isn t fun in the sun for asta and the black bulls they re on a mission to recover a magic stone'! '.strtoupper('d')eep in the underwater temple lies new danger and mages with extraordinary powers'. '.strtoupper('b')ut getting in is the first challenge'! '.strtoupper('l')uckily, noelle receives help from a mysterious girl with song magic to master a new spell to help her team'. '.strtoupper('b')ut real danger makes a splash when, vetto of the third eye, storms the temple'! '.strtoupper('h')e takes out asta s friends and allies, with unimaginable strength, like they re nothing'. '.strtoupper('c')an the magicless mage face all odds and take on the beastly villain?

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