This is a genuine hayter drive chain p n 219054suitable for the following modelsharrier 48 219harrier 48 220harrier 48 219lharrier 48 219rharrier 48 219tharrier 48 220lharrier 48 220rharrier 48 220tharrier 48 419nharrier 48 419rharrier 56 340harrier 56...
Price: £17.09
Genuine hayter drive belt p n 340049suitable for the following modelsharrier 56 autodrive 340aharrier 56 autodrive 340sharrier 56 autodrive e s 341aharrier 56 autodrive e s 341sharrier 56 blade brake clutch 343sharrier 56 blade brake clutch 343nharrier...
Price: £23.35
Genuine hayter clutch cable 340056suitable for the following modelsharrier 56 340lharrier 56 340rharrier 56 340sharrier 56 340tharrier 56 341lharrier 56 341rharrier 56 341tharrier 56 342lharrier 56 343aharrier 56 343charrier 56 343nsize 1170mm inner x...
Price: £33.41