Churchgate Padstow Made To Measure Curtains

Summary Details: Selection of header types available choice of linings options available made to your measurements'! '.strtoupper('s')old as a pair our churchgate padstow range of curtains bestows a sylish and calming striped design which welcomes a personal touch to any r...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£141.00
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
  • Price:£141.00
  • Delivery or Postage:see website
  • Total Cost:£141.00

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Dunelm Mill - Our wide range of finishing touches provides the perfect opportunity to elevate the decor and inject some real personality into your home. Adding cushions, throws, curtains and rugs to a room instantly adds comfort and sense of style throughout your home.

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Selection of header types available choice of linings options available made to your measurements'! '.strtoupper('s')old as a pair our churchgate padstow range of curtains bestows a sylish and calming striped design which welcomes a personal touch to any room'. '.strtoupper('n')eed some support with your made to measure curtains'? '.strtoupper('f')eel free to book an appointment with one of our experts'. '.strtoupper('j')ust click herehttps www'. '.strtoupper('d')unelm'. '.strtoupper('c')om category made to measure book an appointment'. '.strtoupper('f')or windows that cannot wait, we have a full range of ready made curtainshttps www'. '.strtoupper('d')unelm'. '.strtoupper('c')om category home and furniture curtains and blinds curtains all ready made curtains available for you to shop'. '.strtoupper('p')lease note you measure for pinch pleat curtains in the same way as pencil pleat curtains please note if your measured width is over 124cm your curtains will come with a fabric join to provide the full width required.

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