Faithfull Wb 01 Rd Wrecking Bar 450mm 18in

Summary Details: Faithful wrecking bar range faithfull wb 01 rd, wrecking bars are an essential tool for all builders, carpenters and plumbers and widely used in factories, warehouses and the farming industry'. '.strtoupper('m')anufactured from octagonal steel cross sectio...
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Faithful wrecking bar range faithfull wb 01 rd, wrecking bars are an essential tool for all builders, carpenters and plumbers and widely used in factories, warehouses and the farming industry'. '.strtoupper('m')anufactured from octagonal steel cross section with hardened and tempered chisel and claw ends, which ensure maximum strength and durability'. '.strtoupper('f')or opening packing cases, pulling out nails, levering off shuttering etc.size 450 x 16mm 18 x 5 8 in'. '.strtoupper('f')aithfull wb 01 rd wrecking bar 450mm 18in

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