Replacement blade for no 778 rebate plane faithfull ri planererb p faithfull replacement blade for no 778 rebate plane br br width 38mm 1 1 2in p faithfull ri planererb replacement blade for no 778 rebate plane
Price: £6.72

No 778 rebate plane irwin t778 p the irwin record 778 rebate plane has two cutter positions one for normal rebating work and a forward position for planing into corners and difficult positions br the adjustable fence supplied can be used on either side...
Price: £136.80

Fencing kit for 778 rebate plane faithfull fai778fence p the faithfull fai778fence fencing kit for 778 rebate plane p faithfull fai778fence fencing kit for 778 rebate plane
Price: £14.40