Draper 09951 600mm Tilt And Clamp Fold Down Workbench

Summary Details: Draper 600mm tilt clamp fold down workbench draper 09951 p portable workbench with dual clamping action and 24 holes for work clamping dogs special tilting two piece mdf worktops allow 0 176 45 176 and 90 176 clamping folds flat for secure storage sturdy l...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£44.51
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
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  • Total Cost:£44.51

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Draper 600mm tilt clamp fold down workbench draper 09951 p portable workbench with dual clamping action and 24 holes for work clamping dogs special tilting two piece mdf worktops allow 0 176 45 176 and 90 176 clamping folds flat for secure storage sturdy legs manufactured from strong box section steel maximum clamping width with dogs 280mm supplied complete with four plastic clamping dogs and fixings weight 6 1kg approx flat packed with assembly instructions display carto

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