Buster Activity Mat Top Hat Level 3

Summary Details: Buster activity top hat task.'. '.strtoupper('a')dditional task to be used with activity mat.'. '.strtoupper('d')ifficulty level 3'. '.strtoupper('c')ircular task with 8 pockets'. '.strtoupper('t')he task is folded towards the centre with the sides held to...
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Buster activity top hat task.'. '.strtoupper('a')dditional task to be used with activity mat.'. '.strtoupper('d')ifficulty level 3'. '.strtoupper('c')ircular task with 8 pockets'. '.strtoupper('t')he task is folded towards the centre with the sides held together by the cap.'. '.strtoupper('h')ow to use watch the video below.'. '.strtoupper('t')his task attaches to the activity mat with 4 press studs.'. '.strtoupper('i')t is important that your dog always succeeds at the tasks'. '.strtoupper('d')o not shout at your dog or show any other kind of negative reactions'. '.strtoupper('b')e positive and praise the dog when it is working well with the task'. '.strtoupper('n')ote that it is the process of solving the task that is meant to be the challenge for the dog'. '.strtoupper('i')t is not important whether or not your dog can solve the task right away.'. '.strtoupper('p')lease not it is essential to use the basic buster activity mat with this toy.'. '.strtoupper('n')ote always supervise your dog, and never leave them unattended with this activity'. '.strtoupper('d')o not let your dog bite or chew the toy'. '.strtoupper('t')his toy is made for dogs and is not suitable for children'. '.strtoupper('r')eplace this toy when worn.

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