Retro pixelated 8 bit plastic tablecover, measuring 1.37m x 2.74m 54 x 108'. '.strtoupper('c')over any boring old table with this cover to transform it into a wacky 8 bit graphic'. '.strtoupper('p')erfect for children's birthdays and retro parties.
Price: £4.75
Protect your table and liven up your meal times with this spooktacular disposable tablecloth'. '.strtoupper('e')ach table cover is printed on two edges with sugar skulls, and floral and cobweb patterns, all on a deep black background'. '.strtoupper('c')omplete...
Price: £2.15
1 red gingham design plastic tablecover, perfect for parties with a french theme or for a picnic in the sunshine'! '.strtoupper('1').4m x 2.8m.
Price: £2.75