Personalised Party Popper Kit 1980s Pack Of 18

Summary Details: Make your party the one to remember by giving your guests these personalised, back to the 80's party poppers!you will receive 18 party poppers with a sheet of personalised stickers, for you to add that unique touch yourself.popper colours may vary'. '.strt...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£3.30
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
  • Price:£3.30
  • Delivery or Postage:£3.95
  • Total Cost:£7.25

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Make your party the one to remember by giving your guests these personalised, back to the 80's party poppers!you will receive 18 party poppers with a sheet of personalised stickers, for you to add that unique touch yourself.popper colours may vary'. '.strtoupper('s')elf assembly.

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