Secret Santa Winter Wonderland Chocolate Bar 100g

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  • Normal Retail Price:£4.00
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
  • Price:£4.00
  • Delivery or Postage:see website
  • Total Cost:£4.00

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Cadbury Gifts Direct - Choose from a wide range of delicious Cadbury products including many exclusive products. Create your own unique Cadbury hamper filled with all your favourite chocolate gifts or personalise your chocolate with your photos and message for someone special.

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Html body data pb stylep94ofgijustify contentflex startdisplayflexflex directioncolumnbackground positionleft topbackground sizecoverbackground repeatno repeatbackground attachmentscrollborder stylenoneborder width1pxborder radius0margin0 0 10pxpadding10pxhtml body data pb stylehglifjaborder stylenoneborder width1pxborder radius0margin0padding0if you havent been able to send a cadbury secret santa to someone special from one of our posters, dont worry'. '.strtoupper('b')uy some lovely chocolate from our secret santa shop and well send it to them in secret'. '.strtoupper('o')nly gifts from the cadbury secret santa shop will be anonymous'. '.strtoupper('i')f you add a gift not in the secret santa range it will not be sent anonymously'. '.strtoupper('p')lease note limited amount of bars allowed per order this christmas you can send a free chocolate bar, in secret, to someone special'. '.strtoupper('a')ll you have to do is find one of our postal service posters'. '.strtoupper('t')hey're popping up all over the country'. '.strtoupper('f')ind a poster and give someone a little lift'. '.strtoupper('v')isit to see how it works

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