Happy Hippy Dark Chocolate With Orange And Geranium

Summary Details: Successfully blending and balancing both citrus and floral flavours into our powerful organic dark chocolate was a challenge, but if you try only one bar from our range, we would recommend this best selling little number'. '.strtoupper('b')ecome the ultima...
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Montezumas - At Montezumas we sell award winning British chocolate including plain bars, truffle collections, single origin bars, spicy bars, chunky bars, gift boxes, truffle bags, kilo bars, dainty dollops, choco blocks, chocolate and fruit, animal chocolates, button

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Successfully blending and balancing both citrus and floral flavours into our powerful organic dark chocolate was a challenge, but if you try only one bar from our range, we would recommend this best selling little number'. '.strtoupper('b')ecome the ultimate hippy and wallow in the floral power of this bar'! '.strtoupper('9')0g 100% recyclable packaging

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