Grand Truffle Collection 16 Dark Milk White Truffles

Summary Details: Named after the grand, the famous hotel on brighton's seafront and also the home of our first store'. '.strtoupper('t')his collection boasts the best and most iconic of our truffles'. '.strtoupper('f')rom classic rich, dark chocolate, salted dulce de leche...
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Montezumas - At Montezumas we sell award winning British chocolate including plain bars, truffle collections, single origin bars, spicy bars, chunky bars, gift boxes, truffle bags, kilo bars, dainty dollops, choco blocks, chocolate and fruit, animal chocolates, button

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Named after the grand, the famous hotel on brighton's seafront and also the home of our first store'. '.strtoupper('t')his collection boasts the best and most iconic of our truffles'. '.strtoupper('f')rom classic rich, dark chocolate, salted dulce de leche caramel to smooth and creamy truffles with a taste of summer'. '.strtoupper('x')16 truffles 220g contains sweet summertime, american idol, secret squirrel, eclipse 100% recyclable packaging

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