The Scary Bikers Theatre Tickets Trafalgar Studios London

Summary Details: The scary bikers'. '.strtoupper('w')ritten and directed by john godber a new comedy about life, love and staying on your bike'! '.strtoupper('w')hen retired miner don and former private school teacher carol meet at a bereavement group, they thought they’...
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The scary bikers'. '.strtoupper('w')ritten and directed by john godber a new comedy about life, love and staying on your bike'! '.strtoupper('w')hen retired miner don and former private school teacher carol meet at a bereavement group, they thought they’d found a new beginning'. '.strtoupper('b')ut a bike ride through europe would test their budding romance, and the road to love is rocky when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object'. '.strtoupper('j')oin them on their hilarious and heartfelt journey, as they reconcile the past, debate the present and worry about the future'. '.strtoupper('w')hether they’re saddle sore in southampton, blistered in bordeaux or frazzled in florence, one thing is for sure – it takes two to tandem'! '.strtoupper('s')tarring the double bafta and olivier award winning partnership of john godber and jane thornton, whose feature film last laugh was released october 2017.

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