Silent Comedy Spectacular Hosted By Barry Humphries Theatre Tickets London Palladium London

Summary Details: Step inside the iconic london palladium to be enthralled and entertained by your all time favourite big screen comedy stars from yesteryear, accompanied by a live orchestra'. '.strtoupper('a') trio of silent comedies from comedy giants buster keaton, charl...
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Step inside the iconic london palladium to be enthralled and entertained by your all time favourite big screen comedy stars from yesteryear, accompanied by a live orchestra'. '.strtoupper('a') trio of silent comedies from comedy giants buster keaton, charlie chaplin and laurel hardy, will be presented by multi award winning, critically acclaimed performer, writer and silent comedy aficionado, barry humphries'. '.strtoupper('e')xperience the thrill of buster keaton’s most famous – and most dangerous – stunt, the house fall, in the outstanding comedy masterpiece steamboat bill jr 1927'. '.strtoupper('p')resented on a vast hd screen, the movie will be accompanied live by the bristol ensemble, who will perform the london premiere of a new score composed and conducted by maestro carl davis'. '.strtoupper('p')lus you’ll have the chance to enjoy short comedies from laurel hardy and charlie chaplin, all with outstanding live musical accompaniment'. '.strtoupper('b')arry’s special guests include comedy legend and national treasure barry cryer with his partner in musical comedy crime ronnie golden, along with showbiz legend, the inimitable bernie clifton'. '.strtoupper('t')his promises to be a unique and hilarious night to remember'. '.strtoupper('

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