Inala Theatre Tickets Peacock Theatre London

Summary Details: An exhilarating fusion of south african and western cultures culminates in an explosion of music, song and dance'. '.strtoupper('a')fter two sell out runs at sadler’s wells, the grammy award nominated inala makes it’s west end debut at the peacock'. ...
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An exhilarating fusion of south african and western cultures culminates in an explosion of music, song and dance'. '.strtoupper('a')fter two sell out runs at sadler’s wells, the grammy award nominated inala makes it’s west end debut at the peacock'. '.strtoupper('c')reated to celebrate 20 years of democracy in south africa, inala meaning “abundance of goodwill” in zulu blends visceral dance with intricate rhythms of zulu tradition to deliver a powerfully uplifting live experience.

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