Canon Pgi 72 Photo Magenta Ink Cartridge Magenta

Summary Details: Enjoy premium colours when printing out anything from work documents to family portraits with this canon pgi 72 photo magenta inkjet cartridge.each cartridge is capable of producing 303 photos or 69 pages of a3 sized print so you can top up your ink less o...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£15.49
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
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  • Total Cost:£15.49

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Enjoy premium colours when printing out anything from work documents to family portraits with this canon pgi 72 photo magenta inkjet cartridge.each cartridge is capable of producing 303 photos or 69 pages of a3 sized print so you can top up your ink less often.whether you're printing for the home or office, canon cartridges deliver long lasting prints with a smudge free and fade resistant finish'. '.strtoupper('y')ou'll get bold, sharp prints every time.compatible printers canon pixma pro 10s inkjet photo printer

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