Hollywood Red Carpet Star Tablecover 108 X 54 By Beistle 57344 Karnival Costumes

Summary Details: Plastic tablecover hollywood star red carpet  108 x 54  from our exciting collection of disposable tableware and party goods for your own acedemy awards or movie parties, this is a delightful plastic tablecover which has a rich red carpet effect runn...
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Plastic tablecover hollywood star red carpet  108 x 54  from our exciting collection of disposable tableware and party goods for your own acedemy awards or movie parties, this is a delightful plastic tablecover which has a rich red carpet effect running through the centre with a wide grey marble sidewalk border print which is decorated with movie stars like the pavement in hollywood'. '.strtoupper('t')his will be a fantastc backdrop for your buffet and ideal for setting the scene for your special party whilst also protecting your surface from those messy spills and accidents'. '.strtoupper('t')his is a large tablecover which is approx 108 in length and 54 in width'. '.strtoupper('t')his will match perfectly with other tableware and decoration items from our awards night celebration range.  red carpet and star plastic tablecover if you are unable to add this product to your basket, please contact us for restocking information'. '.strtoupper('

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