Hollywood Oscars Party Swirl Decorations Pk5 By Beistle 57557 Karnival Costumes

Summary Details: Hollywood awards night party swirl decorations 5pcs from our huge collection of hollywood movie night party decorations, this is a pack of 5 individual gold and black metallic foil party swirls each of which has a cutout award statuette attached'. '.strtou...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£5.25
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
  • Price:£5.25
  • Delivery or Postage:see website
  • Total Cost:£5.25

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Hollywood awards night party swirl decorations 5pcs from our huge collection of hollywood movie night party decorations, this is a pack of 5 individual gold and black metallic foil party swirls each of which has a cutout award statuette attached'. '.strtoupper('t')he overall length of the swirl is 3ft making these an impressive piece'. '.strtoupper('h')ung from the ceiling they will swirl and move in the slightest of breezes creating interesting focal points either over the entire room or best grouped above a buffet or drinks area'. '.strtoupper('a')wards night decoration swirls pack if you can't add this product to your basket, please contact us for restocking information'. '.strtoupper('

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