Deluxe Chinese Palace Felt 18 Hanging Decoration By Beistle 59995 Karnival Costumes

Summary Details: Red felt chinese palace hanging lantern 18 from our collection of chinese new year party decorations this is a truly luxurious hanging decoration and should be placed where it will steal the show, over the middle of a buffet or dining table perhaps'? '.str...
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Red felt chinese palace hanging lantern 18 from our collection of chinese new year party decorations this is a truly luxurious hanging decoration and should be placed where it will steal the show, over the middle of a buffet or dining table perhaps'? '.strtoupper('i')n thick pressed red felt, this is an easy to assemble decoration instructions and the brass rings are included which will bring the intricacy of the traditional chinese palace lanterns to your own chinese new year or other party and celebrations'. '.strtoupper('e')ach of the pre formed and shaped panels simply slot together and the decorative hangers are added using the rings'. '.strtoupper('t')his is a substantial decoration at 18'. '.strtoupper('d')eluxe hanging chinese palace lantern in felt if you can't add this product to your basket, please contact us for restocking information'. '.strtoupper('

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